Leader Board

Dr. Andrea Hartmann-Piraudeau


Andrea Hartmann-Piraudeau is the CEO of CONSENSUS. She is a valued conflict mediator in large companies.

  • International consultancy and trainer work
    Focus: business mediation, organizational development, negotiation management, coach and communication consultant
  • Master’s degree in communication and media studies, sociology and
    Linguistics, University of Mannheim
  • Master of Mediation, jur. Faculty, Fernuni Hagen
  • Doctorate at the Faculty of Economics and Social Sciences at the University of Hohenheim. Research on mechanisms of action in mediation and negotiation.
  • Several years of experience in the management of national and international units

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Dr. Peter Bechstein

Commercial Director

Dr. Peter Bechstein is the Commercial Director of CONSENSUS

As a lawyer with additional business studies, he has been working as a management consultant in the communications sector for over eight years. Before that, he worked for several years in a managerial position in an international industrial company and brings – in addition to commercial issues – experience in the areas of conflict management and crisis communication.

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