Team development

It’s about helping teams to find and / or work together efficiently, healthily and with joy. Teams of all sizes who, after a long period of time, want to reflect and evaluate their own structures and behaviors. New teams that are at the beginning of a common commute. Teams in change, who have had stormy times before or already behind them and want to activate new resources. Numerous research on teams in different contexts shows that efficiency, constancy, resilience and loyalty increase significantly when a team has found itself as a team!

How does team development work?

We analyze which intervention and training method makes sense for the organization’s task. An actual analysis is carried out at the moment and a target value is defined together with the customer. Teams are developed in workshops, team coaching, team discussions, team clarifications, process support depending on the situation and the task at hand. The structuring of the tasks, the roles and distributions of the team members, the team communication and the strengthening of cohesion play a role here.

Why you should choose team development

Teams and groups have their own dynamic. It is determined by various psychological influencing factors. Group contexts are affect-laden – i.e. not only ratio, agreed strategies and trained processes determine the process, but deeper-lying dynamics. These relate to the team as a whole (culture, norms and rules, interaction with one another, respect, etc., degree of team development, goal orientation, etc.) and to the team members (distribution of power, roles, self / external images, dealing with new team members position, dynamic positions, cultural differences, etc.).

We are here for you

Your contact persons

Sabrina Beichter

Sabrina Beichter is responsible for customer care and coordination at the CONSENSUS Group. She will be happy to answer all your questions about our offers.

Alexandra Kieffer

Alexandra Kieffer is responsible for customer care and coordination at the CONSENSUS Group. She will be happy to answer all your questions about our offers.

The decisive step towards pacifying a conflict is to set out on the path to clarification. We advise you confidentially.

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