Analysis and organizational development

CONSENSUS Analytics offers scientifically sound tools with which complex questions of organizational and employee development, employee retention, company health management and employee satisfaction can be answered. We analyze your organization and attach great importance to understanding the causes and consequences.

Our Services

We analyze your organization

We see ourselves as your development partner who works with you to further develop your organization based on a specific issue. We use our experience from consultations, trainings and seminars and orientate ourselves on ours five guiding principles..

In addition to fluctuation, a high level of sick leave (absenteeism) is one of the most important cost factors in companies and organizations. From modern organizational psychology we know five central factors that accurately predict developments in sick leave in organizations. We have developed a method to analyze the causes of absenteeism and subsequently improve the attendance rate. You get a department-specific overview of the factors that cause absenteeism. We consider absenteeism and presenteeism (employee is present, but not focused on the matter).

Following the analysis, we create an action plan with recommendations for action. These are tailored to each organizational unit. The goal is to improve attendance. If necessary, we offer to carry out the measures yourself.

Here you can download our flyer on the current topic!

Link to the detailed description of the CONSENSUS method for improving attendance


Action plan:

CONSENSUS pursues an evidence-based strategy for the sustainable reduction of sick leave in companies and organizations

1. Phase
Identification and specification of the central absenteeism factors

2. Phase
Development of specific intervention strategies and implementation of targeted measures

3. Phase
Statistical evaluation of the interventions and, if necessary, fine adjustment to secure the transfer

The “risk assessment of psychological stress” has gained significantly in importance in recent years. The so-called GBU psyche is part of occupational health and safety. An evidence-based investigation is carried out to determine which psychologically effective work characteristics represent psychological stress factors that are assessed as inappropriate stress.

CONSENSUS carries out the analyzes of the GBU Psyche with a strict industrial psychological and scientific foundation. The scientific director for this is Prof. Dr. Bernhard Badura, one of the German experts for health management in organizations.

We pursue 5 steps to implement the risk assessment:

1. In the preparation, the target group is first determined, functional groups of a company are included, and goal and task orientation is clarified with the client.

2. In the following analysis phase we conduct the surveys. Depending on the organization and target group, paper-pencil or online surveys can be selected. In individual cases, we supplement the survey with qualitative surveys in the form of interviews or workplace observations.

3. This is followed by a comprehensive evaluation and at the level of the previously defined functional or organizational units. This is followed by an evaluation in cooperation with the client.

4. The task now is to develop measures that support what has already been positively assessed and improve the negative factors. These measures are to be carried out individually for the respective company and the organizational unit analyzed therein. Focus groups are often used to identify measures. Once defined, measures are then implemented and carried out step by step.

5.It is also important to evaluate the measures so that their effectiveness and acceptance can be checked and adjusted.

On request, we can also combine the GBU psyche with an absenteeism analysis. Organizations can thus cover two urgent questions in one survey and implement measures as a solution to both questions (mental health and attendance).

In the technical or medical field, we increase the measurement frequency when it comes to important processes or decisions, i.e. when no mistakes are allowed to happen. Interestingly, we do not follow this golden rule when it comes to management processes, employee satisfaction, quality of management and group decisions, management effectiveness or other organizational psychological and interpersonal processes in the work context. The economic success of a company depends to a large extent on management success.

Nevertheless, employee surveys or 360-degree analyzes in the classic sense are often carried out company-wide only once a year or even only every two years. From a scientific point of view, this is too little and hides potential that could very likely be exploited in a closer exchange of information between managers and employees.

CONSENSUS has therefore set up its own statistics and method team, mainly from the university environment, which is dedicated to the planning, implementation, statistical evaluation and documentation of data surveys in companies.

Our classic survey methods include

  • Employee surveys
  • 360-degree analyzes
  • Appraisals and interviews
  • Customer satisfaction analyzes
  • Stress and risk assessments
  • Process support (e.g. for change processes)

We are also happy to assist you with the implementation of individual, company-specific questions.

The CONSENSUS method for employee surveys

Our 5 guiding principles

1. Science and practice

We are practitioners who anchor the latest scientific findings in a tried and tested manner in the company. With the help of evaluations, we evaluate the effect of our interventions and our own actions, because this is the only way we can guarantee you the effect and further develop ourselves and our instruments. Our Scientific Advisory Board guarantees the scientific basis and the exchange of the latest scientific findings.

2. Valid data as a basis for decision-making

Human perception always depicts only part of the truth and is subject to errors. Therefore, valid data is needed as a basis for decision-making. The starting point for our interventions is comprehensive and valid instruments that provide the necessary data to answer the question precisely. The instruments can also serve as a monitoring tool to provide key figures for management.


3. The culture decides

We know that for the health of employees, the quality of work and their productivity, the employees’ emotional bond with the company is decisive. This is decisively influenced by the culture of the company. This includes the quality of leadership, the quality of interpersonal relationships, the company’s values and the meaningfulness of the work.

4. The trend is towards the head

Today it is no longer the physical performance that decides the success of a company but the work in the head. The world of work is becoming more complex, faster and denser. It is therefore a matter of maintaining the psychological energy of the employees, increasing their inner motivation, increasing their emotion regulation and the ability to cooperate and solve problems. Management through pressure, control or material incentives quickly reach their limits.

5. Real change takes time

The changes that are necessary to meet current trends such as digitization, increasing complexity, consolidation of work and demographic change take time. Therefore, developments must be recognized early and controlled quickly. With the help of regular organizational diagnoses, the need can be determined and the measures taken can be evaluated.

We are here for you

Your contact persons

Sabrina Beichter

Sabrina Beichter is responsible for customer care and coordination at the CONSENSUS Group. She will be happy to answer all your questions about our offers.

Alexandra Kieffer

Alexandra Kieffer is responsible for customer care and coordination at the CONSENSUS Group. She will be happy to answer all your questions about our offers.

Our Services

Current research

We see ourselves as your development partner who works with you to further develop your organization based on a specific issue. We use our experience from consultations, trainings and seminars and orientate ourselves on ours five guiding principles..

Work and Health in the 21st Century

Absence Report 2019

Social capital

Importance of group psychological and leadership-related factors in reducing absenteeism

CONSENSUS Analytics Whitepaper

The decisive step towards pacifying a conflict is to set out on the path to clarification. We advise you confidentially.

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