If companies, administrations or other organizations are threatened or attacked by so-called “high-tech means of information technology”, it hurts and damages the image. There are now even so-called cyber insurances on the market that insure the damage incurred and cover the costs of restoring the reputation. In addition to the technical restoration of the damaged areas, communication is the most important tool to face the crisis. But what to do when the world of data collapses over you? Read the first important steps here.

Procedure in the event of a crisis

If a crisis looms, our recommendation is to act quickly – even if there are no signs of escalation in the media or the public.

In the event of a crisis, people and organizations tend either not to communicate at all or to act hastily and hastily. Both are wrong in the interests of maintaining or restoring reputation as much as possible. Because anyone who does not communicate professionally stirs up rumors and speculation and becomes scourged by the media. In an emergency, every minute counts. Every gesture and every statement is interpreted.

It is more a matter of acting purposefully, prudently and at the “right” speed. Finding the right balance here can only succeed if you either have your own experience in communicative management of crises – or if you are accompanied by suitably experienced advisors.

Clear statements and confident behavior do not fall from the sky. They require preparation: in terms of content and mentality. In addition: In terms of data protection, the focus is on internal communication with the employees of the municipality as a preventive factor. The aim is to create awareness of the explosive nature of data protection and to promote vigilance. Prevention also includes the communication of risk management. Then those affected benefit from a head start on day X.

We therefore suggest the following procedure in the event of a crisis

– First meeting: The aim is to get a quick overview of the situation, to talk to the relevant contact person and to define an initial strategy. In this initial consultation, we recommend whether and which measures must be followed.

– Each case requires an individual examination. If necessary, selected appropriate measures such as:

  • Media training for a confident appearance in front of the press,
  • Media training for a confident appearance in the front of the press,
  • strategic advice regarding the targeted channeling of case-clarifying information and support for background discussions with a leading medium,
  • Weighing up and recommending possible communication channels, instruments and other addressees,
  • Dramaturgy, research and editing of background information, case clarification, chronology (previous security measures), questions and answers, visualizations or infographics for better understanding, consequences of the events, if it makes sense, also classic press releases, speeches, organization of press conferences,
  • Personal coaching, conflict and mental coaching to reduce stress and impart security.

To understand how hackers work and what the technical terms used in this context mean, here is a brief overview:
